
Tuesday 16 October 2012

APPG Local Growth: what are your 'quick wins' for local growth?

What are your ideas for local growth ‘quick wins’ for Government?

The idea(s):

  • should be able to be carried out in a short time
  • with little expenditure
  • but which would greatly help businesses, LEPs, local authorities and partners to initiate projects or overcome obstacles to progress. 
Examples may include bureaucratic, regulatory, institutional and political barriers that need to be tackled in order for LEPs and others to make progress in their areas.

What are your ideas? The APPG Local Growth secretariat plan to release a short paper before the Autumn Statement and would like to hear your views.

When considering barriers to local growth there are four key questions to address:

  • What are you trying to achieve in your area to drive growth? This could be a specific project or a more general attempt to influence how things are being done.
  • What’s stopping you? This could be a regulation, a Government agency that you don’t feel is aligned with economic growth objectives, a need for better coordination or joining up of different funding streams, etc.
  • What could Government do, quickly and at minimal or no cost, to address the barrier?
  • What facts and evidence can you draw on to back up your idea?

If you would like to contribute contact Majeed Neky, APPG Local Growth Secretariat (mneky@westminister.gov.uk) with concise submissions by Friday 26th October.  There are no formal requirements on the format for submissions.

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